Monday, June 23, 2008

Thing #3

Wow! I was right. Using the technology is the hardest piece for me, but I was able to do everything, I think. The directions were written well for creating the blog and the avatar, but I sometimes missed seeing some of the information. I would get stuck on one section, decide to walk away from the computer for awhile, come back, and figure out where I had gone wrong. I finished those pieces, though, and did not have to access any of my resources for help. I will, if necessary, but I am glad to know that it was not necessary yet.


kk said...

You are a true learner-if at first you don't succeed, try, try again! Keep up the good work. I have been amazed at how well the directions are for the 23 things project.

L'l Bit said...

Learning new things - esp. technology - can be quite time consuming and frustrating! But doesn't it make you feel good that you did it all by yourself and you didn't have to ask for help???