Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thing #8

In this exercise, I discovered RSS and newsreaders. After signing up for five feeds to my Google reader, I have begun reading some of the feeds and have founds some very useful information on libraries and educational technology. Now, I have information sent to me roughly about topics that I have picked, and I don't have to go searching for it. Amazing!

Mostly, I think this technology will help me to stay better abreast of information that I need to know for my profession. The "Power of Educational Technology" feed that I signed up for had some great ideas for using technology (podcasts, wikis, blogs) in schools, for example.

Other librarians can probably benefit from this technology, too. Using RSS and newsreaders would help them to stay in touch with the latest news in the field and have more connections to those of related interests.


Terry said...

I love using Google Reader for both personal and professional blogs though it can be hard to keep up with some of the professional posts. They come in very rapidly. In 23 things, I enjoyed putting a few of the player blogs in and keeping up with other's progress. It helped to see where others had been before me!

Kristina said...

I'm glad you like the reader. I found it overwhelming and I'd rather just go to the website and see it there anyway. I am thinking I might not like it because I haven't found anything intersting to feed to it yet. I'll see if your suggestion makes the reader any more fun.